Aladdin Twankey – a Chinese Laundry boy
Widow Twankey – a Chinese Washerwoman, his mother
Wishee Washee – another Laundry boy, his brother
Twankey – another Laundry boy, his brother
The Great Abanazar – a Wicked magician
Emperor Trodapon – Emperor of China
Empress Anaconda – his Wife and Empress and stepmother to Libby
Princess Libby – their Daughter
Polly Waddle Doodle – her Handmaiden
Captain Cunning – the Grand Vizier and head of the police
Prince Wily – his son
Constable Wi – Comedy duo
Inspector Fi – Comedy duo
Seraphina – Spirit of the Ring
Saviour of the Lamp – Fairy in charge of the lamp ownership
Genie – of the Lamp
Act 1
Prologue – Abanazar’s lair in Egypt
Scene 1 – The Market Square in Pekin
Scene 2 – A Street in Pekin
Scene 3 – Widow Twankey’s Laundry
Scene 4 – A Path in the mountains outside the cave
Scene 5 – The Cave of the Magic Lamp
Scene 1 – Chinese takeaway
Scene 2 – A Street in Pekin
Scene 3 – The Great Pyramid of Egypt
Scene 4 – The Street in Pekin
Scene 5 – The Wedding Feast
S/FX – Loud thunder L/FX – Green lighting
Abanazar enters SL
Abanazar – I am the great Abanazar the clever, cunning, handsome and most deliberately evil magician in all of Egypt and I am about to take over the whole world. You see I have simply outgrown this dump of a place and I am a bit tired of all this sand! World domination is my plan and lucky for you, points to the audience you are here to see the master at work. I do need some help from Seraphina the spirit of the magic ring. Abanazar talks to the ring Magic ring help me
L/FX – lights flash off and back on immediately
Seraphina enters through the centre of the curtains
Seraphina – You summoned me oh gracious one What is it I enquire?
Is it to make you young and handsome? Is that your heart’ desire?
Abanazar – Young! Handsome! Why would I ask you for that? I am all of these things and more!
No, I want you to help me take over the whole world
Seraphina – To take over the whole world
And you call this place a dump
I hope it is for greater good
Cause you are not Donald Trump!
Abanazar – Trump! With this hair! Listen I of course will be looking after the poor and needy aside to the audience me. So, tell me Seraphina how do I go about such an undertaking.
Seraphina – As your intentions are so true
And helping others with good deeds
To make your challenge easier
The magic lamp fulfils your needs
Abanazar – Magic lamp! Tell me more about this intriguing magic lamp
Seraphina – The Lamp you seek is far away Hidden beneath the ground
There it lies for many years Completely safe and sound
Abanazar – Safe, sound, lies, hidden, far away, tell me more, I need to know
Seraphina – To retrieve the lamp you can’t do alone
As the cave to where it’s hidden
Only allows honest folk in
As all evil it has ridden
Abanazar – Evil, why not me! Ok I can see some people might not have seen the true charitable me, so who?
Seraphina – You will need someone who is true of heart
Clever, strong and pure
And only then the lamp be freed
Of that you can be sure
Abanazar – True of heart, brave strong and pure, reminds me of what I was like in my youth. So, WHO is this person?
Seraphina – Your memory is quite select
You think you are quite swanky
The person you need and seek
The son of Widow Twankey
Abanazar – Swanky, Twankey he sneezes where’s my hanky. Where will I find this desirable young boy?